Alphapointe Announces Customers of the Year

Due to the pandemic, Alphapointe was unable to host its annual awards/recognition events in 2020, so we’re making up for lost ground! At our 2021 holiday party and awards event, Alphapointe was able to formally recognize and honor both our 2020 and 2021 Customers of the Year!
2020 Customer of the Year – The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.
The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. is a sister agency of Alphapointe based in Seattle that has been a valued partner on multiple projects over the years. In 2018, at the request of U.S. Army Medical Department program managers, The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. and Alphapointe teamed up in a strategic endeavor to create a solution for a much-needed capability on the battlefield: the Standardized Vehicle Service Kit (SVSK). SVSKs provide point of injury medical care products and recovery tools to help soldiers quickly and safely remove the injured from the battlefield
Meeting all the capabilities and requirements for this project, the SVSK was adopted by the Department of Defense in early 2019 with dedicated funding to field the project over the course of two years. A total of 21,700 kits were produced through The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc., which included: 52,500 litter straps, 21,700 SVSK carriers, 21,700 large pouches, 43,418 small pouches, 17,200 prybars and 17,200 accessory bundles. Each of those items was manufactured or supplied by Alphapointe for the SVSK. This project created seven jobs for people who are blind.
Alphapointe values its partnership with The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. and looks forward to many more cooperative endeavors in the future.

2021 Customer of the Year – Defense Logistics Agency
Alphapointe has had the opportunity to work with the Defense Logistics Agency on several key new AbilityOne projects throughout the past few years, including: specimen bottle modernization, Cera products (rice-based hydration items) and tourniquets.
The Defense Logistics Agency has been an invaluable partner in creating employment opportunities for Alphapointe’s blind workforce and Alphapointe looks forward to pursuing collaborative opportunities in the future to support its mission of empowering people with vision loss to achieve their goals and aspirations.