Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services

We offer training in all skills for blindness and low vision. Programs are catered to your individual needs and scheduling is flexible. Services are available in both small group and individual classes. Our multidisciplinary team will work to help you be independent and ready to return to work.

Photograph of a client using a kitchen timer that's been adapted with tactile stickers

Activities for Daily Living

Our program includes hands on training in visual efficiency skills for everyday activities like housekeeping, budgeting, time management, medication management and more. This program provides techniques and training for organization and labeling, cooking, reading and writing.

Photograph of client adjusting her computer settings for her vision needs

Adaptive Technology Training

Clients will have the opportunity to explore desktops, laptops, tablets, Braille displays, smart phones, and recording devices to determine the best fit for their technology needs. Training is available in magnification, screen reading, and dictation software

Photograph of Vocational Placement

Vocational Placement

Alphapointe seeks to prepare people with vision loss for today’s workplace. Career counseling and job search assistance is available. Resume and cover letter writing and skills for networking and job interviewing are part of a typical training program.

Photograph of Client using a brailler

Braille and Academics

Braille training includes functional Braille for use around the home and office as well as contracted Braille for those looking for a more comprehensive reading solution. Instruction to help current Braille readers transition to Unified English Braille is also available. Academic training includes refreshers in professional writing, on the job reading, and math skills as needed for vocational placement.

Photograph of a client learning O/M techniques outside our Kansas City facility

Orientation and Mobility

Learn how to navigate safely and efficiently. Our services include teaching travel skills for all environments, sighted guide, use of all forms of public transportation and preparation for guide dog school referral.

Image of client learning adaptive technology

Alphapointe Low Vision Classes

Alphapointe offers a FREE 4-part series of 60-minute weekly classes designed to improve lives by regaining independence. Each series focuses on improving a core area of skills: Activities of Daily Living, Computers for Low Vision and Getting Around with Low Vision. Classes are taught by experts. For more information, contact us at 816-237-2020 or

Alphapointe has the largest rehabilitation center in the Midwest and serves clients from all over the United States.

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