About Us
Dedicated to and serving people with vision loss through employment, services, support, and kindness.
Alphapointe is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering individuals with vision loss by providing employment opportunities, job training, and rehabilitation services. We are one of the largest employers of people who are blind and visually impaired in the U.S.
We operate various manufacturing, service, and administrative programs that create meaningful employment for people who typically face barriers to finding jobs. We combine comprehensive rehabilitation services, advocacy, and community involvement to help people achieve independence and success in the workplace and home.
We use our mission and vision as guides to lead us forward, to make sure every decision, every action, and every move meets our end goal of serving those with vision loss to the best of our abilities.
Our Timeline
More than 100 Years of Service
What began more than a century ago in one woman’s living room in Kansas City, has evolved into the region’s leading provider of vision rehabilitation, education, advocacy and employment services for people with vision loss.
Our Board
Alphapointe benefits from a diverse coalition of board members who contribute extensive experience and expertise from the military, academia, corporate America, various associations, and nonprofit organizations.
Our Leadership
Alphapointe’s executive staff helps ensure the organization’s growth, creating meaningful opportunities and transformative impact for clients and employees.
Our Foundation
Our foundation was established to support the mission and programming of Alphapointe. They help us carry forward the mission of empowering people to live, work, and be independent.